Well, Well, Well. Who's missed me? I know at least Jamie Golden Martin has! Shout out to Jamie! Anyways So much has happened since my last post. Where to begin? So there was Halloween and Olivia was an Owl, which is basically the best idea/cutest costume ever...well the octopus costume was pretty rad too. My Mom made the costume and she was so adorable that people actually asked to take pictures of her and there are rumors of it being all "abuzz" at the elementary school amongst the mothers. "Oh did you see that little girl dressed up as an Owl, that was the cleverest thing, so adorable". These so called rumors come to me by way of the neighbor across the street who unfortunately missed seeing the costume in person but heard other neighbors raving about it at the PTA or something equally as exciting having to do with elementary schools and mothers. So did you want me to come up with ideas for your child's costume? Cause I apparently have the awesomest ideas! I of course would have to meet the child and get a feel of whatever kind of animal/creature/princess/what have you they most resemble.
Olivia was the perfect little Owl. She said "WHOOOOOOO" at every door we came to and even tried opening the doors herself if they didn't hop to it right away! She got so much candy people just kept dumping in more and more. It got to be so heavy but she wouldn't let anyone hold carry it except for me and only after much coaxing and reassurance that I was just holding it for her. She walked around the block for a good hour and refused to be held even at the bitter end...which was kinda okay by me because that girl is no featherweight! She is so freaking heavy! she is not fat or chubby though, she is like pure muscle, it's crazy how strong this kid is already at almost 2 years old! So anyways yeah, Halloween was definitely more eventful this year seeing how her hypochondriac father refused to take her out in her costume last year because of the swine flu!
Next...we moved out, FINALLY! We live in a little 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 1 car garage home built in 1964. It's super cute and super retro looking with a pink and green tiled bathroom and green tiled kitchen. It has absolutely no carpet which is weird and nice and annoying all at the same time. Weird because most homes have at least carpeted bedrooms and nice because i don't have to worry about dirty carpets and annoying because i am always having to sweep and dust the floors! It's almost all the original wood floors except for the kitchen, dining room and bathroom which have old vintage green and white big tiled linoleum. I really love living here and since Mitchell travels so much with his job it's nice that so far I have felt super secure and safe being here alone with Olivia.
Okay what else? Well I have been working since like mid-October. Which I have conflicting feelings about. It usually ends up being like 25-30 hours a week, mostly evenings. I really like the job. Compared to all the jobs I have had...which have been quite a few, this job is definitely the easiest and most fun. I work at a ceramics studio "Petrogyph". Basically people come in and pick from our once fired greenware ceramics...plates, bowls, platters, mugs, cups, teapots, a large array of figurines and children's banks, etc. They get to paint it with as many colors of paints they desire and then once they are done turn them into us. We then glaze and fire the stuff and they get to return in 3-4 days to pick up their colorful shiny glass object.
Mitch's sister Ashley has worked there on and off for like a thousand years...okay maybe more like 8 years or something like that. His littlest sister Megan also works there, her and I are the newest members of the staff, but she has been there longer than me. So anyways I just basically assist customers with different techniques or ideas for their pieces. We also have quite a few birthday parties, girls nights, baby showers, office parties, etc going on every few days...it's a super fun job. I am officially the oldest person there...my boss is actually only a few months younger and then Ashley is 2 years younger and then the rest of the staff range from 18-20....so I get to feel like an old lady compared to these littles! Not to mention that most of them are like rail thin and like 5 feet tall! So yeah I feel like a giant most of the time ha ha.
I really like getting out of the house and getting a break from spending all day in pajamas being a mom...but at the same time I feel like it's kinda rough on Olivia. She doesn't really have a set babysitter, although most of the time it's Auntie Mickey (Megan). Megan is a Godsend...I literally don't know how I would be able to go to work without her, she always says "yes" and she seems to genuinely enjoy being with Olivia, even though I know Olivia is getting crazier and harder to watch by the day. Auntie Ashy and Auntie Aggie (Allison) have also helped to babysit too...but they aren't as young as Megan, I think Olivia wears them out, lol. And of course Sue and Tony have watched her when they can as well...otherwise if it's the weekend and Mitch is home, they get to hang out all day. I don't know...I feel like her first like 20 months of life I was with her everyday. I rarely left her with a babysitter and when I did it was usually when she was asleep for the night. I feel like she had such a set routine of how life was day to day and now everything is all crazy on the days I work. I know she loves her aunties and her grandparents and her daddy of course, but deep down I feel a huge amount of guilt that I should be the one taking care of her, I'm her mother. I can tell she sometimes gets stressed out with all the chaos and sometimes cries when I leave, which breaks my heart! But we need the money, so what can I do.
Moving on....what's next? Thanksgiving? Well Eric and Chelle and the boys came home for Thanksgiving which was super fun to have them all here, although I worked almost everyday they were in town and all three of us, Mitch, me and Olivia had a pretty wicked cold that is just now going away. We went to Grandma Charlene's house for Thanksgiving. Aunt Christie, Uncle Kip, Joy and her husband, Tim and his wife and Paul were there. And then Aunt Kris and her new husband and Lauren were there. And even Uncle Gary showed up for a few hours and then made his classic early getaway lol. It was really fun to see Joy and her girls, they are such pretty ladies! And Tim and his wife had a new baby. Also I had not seen Lauren since my babyshower and we had fun laughing at all the pictures of ourselves on the walls of the basement!
Whoa picture overload! Ummmmm next Christmas obviously. It was busy busy at work and thankfully Mitch had the last 2 weeks of December off so he got to spend alot of time with Olivia cause I was working nearly everyday! It was nice to feel like I was doing more with my time other than watching Toy Story and playing with blocks. It is just nice to feel like "Emily" when I'm working not "MAMA MAMA MAMA MAMA....I need this or that". I think I forgot I had an identity before getting this job. Although I can't say I feel like the same Emily I was before Olivia...which is becoming more and more okay the more time that passes.
Urghhhh I'm tired of this....I'll do a Christmas post later!