Thursday, August 6, 2009

I'm slipping, tumbling, falling into

Darkness, madness, mental problems-ness!

So I read various studies that say "sleep issues in young babies is the leading cause of maternal depression".

Need I elaborate?

I feel alone in any efforts to make her sleep problems a priority.

Nobody else seems to care or see it as a problem.

Nobody else seems worried or stressed.

Nobody else seems to notice that I am disappearing...lost...confused...can't focus, can't think.

Can only cry. From physical and even more so...mental exhaustion.

Can't understand why she never sleeps and when she does why it's usually in someone else's arms.

I think she hates me.

I feel like everyone hates me.

Then again my period is not far from the horizon so I am sure it isn't helping things.


  1. Good talking with you tonight. I know it is a problem, it sucks not having a baby that sleeps. I hope that you find a solution that works for the both of you.
    By the way, we would love to have you come and visit for a little bit, I know that Mitch would hate it, but maybe it would be good. You are welcome anytime. We love you.

  2. That is so hard! It can make you insane! I wish you were closer...I would be your bouncer while you sleep trained your cute little Liv. How can I help?? Did you get my e-mail a month or so ago?
    By the way, just know that everything will pass and pretty soon she'll be 4 and you'll be wondering what in the heck happened...that is how I feel anyway.
