Friday, August 24, 2012

So many things I don't remember

First let me say.....I'm exhausted!!!! Again I realize there are far many more people than me that have been pregnant while already having way more children when I just have the one...but geez seriously, I AM SO FREAKING TIRED!!!! I don't know how it's possible to be pregnant and also have to be a parent to more than one child cause Olivia is wearing me out!!!! Some days, like today, I feel myself silently praying to whoever might be listening "Please grant me the serenity to not murder my three year old today!!!!" Okay not actually murder but you know three is a rough age and she is driving me off the edge of sanity it seems within minutes of her waking up in the morning! She is what you might call a very "spirited" child. She asks thousands of questions, she never stops talking, she is very needy, she is dramatic, sensitive, bossy, she is demanding and impatient and definitely her father's daughter. Don't get me wrong, she is extremely smart, very funny, lovable, and can be very sweet...but she is sooooooo precocious and definitely a handful!!!! Huh sounds just like her father now, lol. But the point being I don't find myself with an abundance of patience these I wouldn't even go that far...I DON'T FIND MYSELF WITH ANY PATIENCE these days is probably a more accurate description. And I find myself so baffled by so many things with this pregnancy. So many things I don't remember from the first time. And here they are in no specific order;

1. I don't remember feeling so completely exhausted in the last trimester. I mean I'm sure I was...but the level of exhaustion this time around feels cruel and unusual.

2. I don't remember waking up in the last month feeling like I must have drank an entire liquor cabinet. I feel hungover, EVERYDAY!!!! Blah, achey, headachy, nauseated, hot, name it.

3. I don't remember feeling like all my internal organs were falling out of me by the end of the night. Seriously by 7 pm it feels like not only could a baby just drop out of me at any the entire contents of my body!!!

4. I don't remember my belly feeling so itchy!!!! My skin feeling like it was on the brink of tearing apart!

And here is what is the same, the things I do remember

1. The peeing

2. The heartburn

3. The back ache

4. The feeling like a turtle stuck on it's back when trying to get out of bed or off the couch

5. The feeling like you can't breathe, the diminished lung capacity.

Man I don't want to complain but then again it's my blog and so you are probably fairly used to my whining, bitching and moaning by now...But I'm so tired. I just wish I would be put into some sort of medically induced coma until little guy is born. Because even in the times when I could be sleeping I am so uncomfortable I can't sleep anyway! That and I don't know how I will ever be pregnant again because then I will have two little energy sucking vampire children to contend with...not to mention the one in utereo. Dear whoever is in charge of assigning personalities in children....PLEASE LET THIS CHILD BE MORE MELLOW THAN HIS OLDER SISTER!!!!! I mean he doesn't even have to be that much more mellow...just generally less intense than Olivia cause she is crazy, lol!!!!!!!

It's the final countdown!!!!!!!!! Really can you believe that at the most this baby boy will be here in like a month and at the least like 2 weeks.....

2 FREAKING WEEKS!!!!! Okay seriously I don't wanna go to 40 weeks but 37 weeks seems too about 38 weeks...or 38 and 1/2 weeks?

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