Sunday, October 2, 2011

14 years of excellence

Okay maybe not excellence...but at least mediocrity. One accident, a few fix it tickets, nothing major. So I have to renew my drivers licence. I have officially been driving for 14 years. Actually my license expired on my birthday but I kinda forgot and then remembered like a week later but then really didn't do anything about it. And I have kinda been driving anyway even though I guess technically I am not allowed to drive, whatever!!!! But I guess this week is the week I HAVE TO go renew it or Mitchell will never shut up about how irresponsible I am. I was kinda worried that since I am like a month late they would make me take the written test again...which I would like to say I'd pass...but really I mean some of those questions...unless you were 15 and trying to get a permit you would not know the answers. But I called and all I have to do is pay the fee, do an eye exam and take a new picture. I am kinda happy about a new picture because I kinda hate my old one. I have the Rosemary's Baby hairdo in it and no one ever seems to believe it's me when cashing checks and what not.

This was my haircut, that was even how I described what I wanted to the hair stylist...I liked it for a while but when I was over took a while for my hair to get the clue!!! Have you ever grown out a pixie cut? Urghhh it's like mullet status for a while there. Also I am not sure it ever looked as good on me as it did on Rosemary...or Mia Farrow.
This strangely enough was the day I took the picture for my drivers license. I guess I was testing out just how "butch" I was gonna look in this driver's license photo I would have for the unforeseeable future. You see I look pretty good here. However for some reason I was possessed to wear lipstick for my DL photo...and that, that....was not a good idea. I look crazy. I never wear must have been suggested by my mother to make up for my short hair...which she of course hated. Not to mention my hair looks like unnaturally yellow in the picture, oh well.

So I have to update my info as well. I'm not all that convinced I should update my weight...if I even knew what it was to begin with...I don't weigh myself for obvious reasons, have not since before Olivia was born. My license right now says I weigh 130, ha I wish...honestly I probably weighed more than that when I renewed it last...but I can't be sure. But since my license before that said 115 and that was actually a true weight at the time...awww that's depressing!

I guess what I am have thinking about the most is the hair color option. I have not been blonde in a long time. I don't know if I will be anytime soon. I would like to think I will be again someday, it just seems like such a process because it is so dark now...and I don't want to cut off a bunch of damage that will likely happen if I bleach it. So do I change the current "blonde" hair to "brown". It seems so saying goodbye to my fun self...because I think blondes really do have more fun. And I have had like every hair color so I think I am a fair judge.

Here I am on the right having significantly more fun in my life than I seem to have these days. Notice the otter pop in my hand, everyone knows how fun otter pops are...actually it's probably the Walmart knockoff "flavor ice"...whatever! See my roommate Jenn is also blonde and she is having more fun too...there we were just 2 blondes having fun!

And this thought just occurred to me...if I leave it saying blonde and I am standing in front of the disgruntled DMV Clerk will they make me switch it to brown...since it is currently brown.

This is confusing. Does this mean if I want to keep it saying blonde I have to wear a blonde wig or something....huhhhhh.

So I guess I am doomed to a significantly less fun future as a brunette.

No offence "brunies".

And I am still not going to put down my actual weight...they can't take away my inaccurate weight!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Why don't you just do highlights and low-lights until it grows out to the blonde you want? That is what I'm doing. It's cute either way, but I will always picture you as a blonde.
