Monday, October 19, 2009


So for the past 2 weeks the power cord for my computer has been broken so except for a time or two at Mitch's house I have not been able to get on the Internet. Mom is back home from her staying with Katie and the baby and thankfully we have the same computer, sooooo same power cord so back in business.

But my blog absence has left me without much to say. I can't think of anything to about. So what has been happening in my life since I left you dear reader. Well not too much, same ole' same ole'. As I once read in a Stephen King book years ago the phrase SSDD. "Same Stuff, Different Day", although Mr. King substituted the "stuff " with a different word that starts with an "S". Being a stay at home mom, especially a stay at someone else's home mom can be rather boring. Wake up early and nurse the baby...she goes back to sleep, I usually go back to sleep until she wakes up again around 9 AM. Take her out of the bedroom and out to the kitchen and family room. Feed her some baby food and play for about 2 hours. Nurse the baby and she goes back to sleep. I shower and usually watch 90210 reruns or A Baby Story. She wakes up approximately an hour and half to two hours later. Go get her out of baby food...bathe and dress her and then usually she will take a nap again or I take her out to do various errands AKA waste some time at Target or Walmart or the Grocery store. Come home or get her out of bed if she naps and usually Mitch is off work. Go visit Mitch and family and usually eat dinner....feed baby dinner, play, change baby into pj's....teething tabs, Tylenol, nurse baby and hope she goes to sleep. She usually fights bedtime to the either frustratingly try to rock her to sleep or let her cry...usually the former. Watch whatever is on TV...usually nothing much so it's more of a zoning out. Sneak into the bedroom and read for about an hour and then go to sleep.

Jealous of my glamorous fabulous life? Oh boy I need to figure out something else because actually seeing this on-screen as I type just reminds me of how I literally have no life. I don't even wear make-up or do anything much with my hair these days. A combination of laziness, lack of time anyways, unexcited about my looks these days, and maybe a slight depression has left me pretty pathetic looks wise...I see it as a problem but apparently not too much because I have not done much to change it.

Well and now the reason you probably check the blog


1 comment:

  1. Oh, we miss little miss olivia. David is loving looking at her pictures and is mad that she is not here. When will we see you next? Are you looking for a job?
