Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mr. Baby

Mom just got back from her 3 week stay in Utah and in true mom fashion came back with an arsenal of pictures of Mr. baby. Ha ha that was Olivia's nickname in utereo...well kinda miss baby! So I just decided here and now that that is what I am gonna call Liam...seeing how "Liam" doesn't really lend itself to some kind of clever nickname...maybe "Li" (pronounced lee) but I don't think Katie likes that...not that I care I did call my 1st nephew baby bob must to my sister in law's distress. Which I now "get". One of Mitch's sisters calls Olivia "monkey" and for some reason I really hate it. But what can you do? She is her niece and therefore I guess as long as she isn't calling her ugly...I guess I can stand it...So without further A-DO here is....

MR BABY!!!!!!!!!

Mama Katie and Mr. Baby

Nana and Mr. with Halloween hat

Trick or Treat...he's the treat!

Hard day...heel stick and some "manly" stuff

Baby Lamby chair on loan from Cousin Olivia

Mr. falling asleep on the job

Blessing day...looking dapper

Uncle Eric's 34 year old shoes

Mr. Baby looking very pensive

Big yawns and stretch...even the toes are stretching

Mr. Baby looking like Mr. Old Man

Nana with her baby Katie and Katie with her baby Mr.
I think I called it on the Mr. Baby nickname...he looks like a Mister!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute photos...crazy that Katie has a baby. Life will never be the same.
